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Suits a Warn M8274 Low Mount Winch
Brand: AUZ12
This is an AUSTRALIAN MADE winch rope, unlike some other cheap imports.
Breaking strain for 10mm rope is 9000kg.
This rope comes pre-spliced with an eyelet ready to attach your hook to it.
Safe winch practice should be used at all times.
Safe winching point in line with vehicle
Always use a tree trunk protector
Avoid contact with sharp edges, such as rocks
Keep clear or rope while winching and under load
When reversing a low mount winch under load, (eg backwards down a hill) do not lower more than 10m. (The brake fitted to winch drum generates huge amounts of hea, and could lead to rope failure) Strength decreases with higher tempeatures
Melting point is 150 degrees celcius
Rope should be inspected before and after use for signs of damage
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