SKU: 14735EC00DNG


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EGR Cooler

Suits: Nissan Navara D40 Spanish built models with VIN# starting with VSK with the YD25 engine BETWEEN 09/2006 - 01/2010

Suits: Nissan Pathfinder R51 Spanish built models with VIN# starting with VSK with the YD25 engine BETWEEN 09/2006 - 01/2010

Suits: Nissan Navara D40 Thai built models with VIN# starting with MNT with the YD25 engine - All Date Ranges

This is the EGR cooler assembly to suit the above vehicles. These are a common item to crack and cause a leak.

Aftermarket item, if you want a Genuine Nissan item, these are also available in our online store. along with gaskets to suit.

If you are unsure if this will suit your vehicle, or if your vehicle is around these dates, please contact us with a VIN# to check for you.


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