SKU: 1640605E00

$8.04 $7.36

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Nissan Lift Pump Oring


Nissan Navara D40 Spanish built models with VIN# starting with VSK with the YD25 engine BETWEEN 05/2005 - 09/2006

Nissan Navara D40 Thai built models with VIN# starting with MNT with the YD25 engine

Nissan Navara D22 Thai Built models with VIN# starting with MNT with the YD25 engine.

Nissan Navara D22 Japanese Built models with VIN# starting with JN1 with the YD25, ZD30, QD32 & TD27 engine.

This oring sits between the fuel filter and the water sensor on the bottom.

If this seal is perished this allows air to bleed into the fuel system and can be one of the causes of white smoke on start up, or hard to start when it has been sitting for a while.
Genuine Nissan Oring

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