Nissan Navara D40 Spanish built models with VIN# starting with VSK with the YD25 engine.
Nissan Pathfinder R51 Spanish built models with VIN# starting with VSK with the YD25 engine.
Nissan Navara D22 Thai Built models with VIN# starting with MNT with the YD25 engine.
Nissan Navara D22 Japanese Built models with VIN# starting with JN1 with the YD25 engine.
This is a Genuine Nissan gasket that goes in between the front & rear timing cover case.
This part number supersedes with the following.
There is 3 different gaskets for this depending on your model and what material your cover is made from (plastic / allunimum), so if you vehicle is around the changeover date of one of the vehicles above, please contact us so we can check against you VIN# for the correct one for your vehicle.