Suit Nissan Navara D40 Spanish built models with VIN# starting with VSK all engine models.
Suit Nissan Navara D40 Thai built models with VIN# starting with MNT with the YD25 engine.
Suit Nissan Pathfinder R51 Spanish built models with VIN# starting with VSK with the YD25 and VQ40 engines only.
This is a Genuine Nissan FRONT OUTPUT SEAL in the front of the transfercase where the front driveshaft connects to.
Non Genuine Seals Can Be Harder than genuine or incorrectly moulded. This can cause them not to seal as well as a genuine seal.
Suits 4WD Models Only.
When replacing this seal, you will also need to purchase part number 332107S11D which is the flange and protective cover, this is available separately in our online store.
If you are unsure if this is the one you need for your vehicle, please contact us with a VIN# to confirm for you.
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