Suits: Nissan Navara D40 Spanish built models with VIN# starting with VSK with the YD25 engine AFTER 01/2010 with 140KW engine.
Suits: Nissan Pathfinder R51 Spanish built models with VIN# starting with VSK with the YD25 engine AFTER 01/2010 with 140KW engine.
This is a used exhaust manifold that has been machined on the surface that joins onto the cylidner head so it mounts up flush to the engine.
It is very common for these to warn developing boost leaks and blowing out the exhaust manifold gasket.
It is recommended using a range of new Genuine Nissan Gaskets and studs if required when fitting up this manifold, which are readily available in our online store.
This is sold on an OUTRIGHT purchase. No changeover requried.
NOTE: these DO NOT suit the 127kw early engines or thai models.
If you are unsure if this is the one you need for your vehicle, please contact us with a VIN# to confirm for you.
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